
Algae Bead Photosynthesis Lab Answers

Algae Bead Module: Lessons , Projects , and Experiments

Experiments :  Algae Beads

Full general NGSS Projects for Photosynthesis, Respiration, and Algal Physiology

Aligned for NGSS Standards:


Use a model to illustrate how photosynthesis transforms light energy into stored chemical free energy.

HS-LS1-half dozen

Construct and revise an caption based on evidence for how carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen from sugar molecules may combine with other elements to form amino acids and/or other large carbon-based molecules.


Utilise a model to illustrate that cellular respiration is a chemic process whereby the bonds of food molecules and oxygen molecules are broken and the bonds in new compounds are formed resulting in a internet transfer of free energy.


Develop a model to illustrate the role of photosynthesis and cellular respiration in the cycling of carbon among the biosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, and geosphere.


Apply scientific principles and evidence to provide an caption virtually the effects of changing the temperature or concentration of the reacting particles on the charge per unit at which a reaction occurs.


Refine the design of a chemic organisation past specifying a change in conditions that would produce increased amounts of products at equilibrium.


Construct an caption based on bear witness for how natural selection leads to adaptation of populations.

Copyright 2020 by Algae Research and Supply, Inc.  Carlsbad CA.  All rights reserved.

Algae Research and Supply, Inc.

Carlsbad, CA 92008

Area: Volume and Algal Photosynthesis
(Algae Bead Experiment 3 of 5)

Project Summar y: This experiment aims to test the effects of surface area to volume ratio (SA:Five) on rates of algal photosynthesis. Students will be comparing smashed algae chaplet to whole algae chaplet to ostend the relationship between SA:Five and efficient uptake. Although we are non technically altering the shape of the algal cells themselves, the alginate bead facilitates the transfer of carbon dioxide and carbonate to the encased cells. Altering the SA:Five of the beads is linked to the resident algae's resulting productivity within the chaplet.

Fourth dimension Estimates : 45 minutes (depending on fourth dimension intervals)

Learning Outcomes:

  • I can collect and analyze data safely using the appropriate lab materials.
  • I tin can compare smashed algae beads to whole algae beads to determine and justify the relationship between SA:V and efficient uptake

Classroom Prep:  Split class into lab groups if desired. See the materials list for the required components

Videos :

Vocabulary : Surface Area to Volume ratio


Large organisms like mammals and other vertebrates have a specialized orifice to consume their energy choice, be information technology grass or meat. This mouth is the almost efficient manner to consume food for these larger lifeforms. Every bit we zoom into the microbial earth, yet, other methods brainstorm to appear. The most obvious is diffusion through the membrane constituting the cell itself. This transport's efficiency is mediated by the organisms' Surface Area: Volume ratio (SA:5). In this case, the surface area describes the corporeality of membrane available for transport, and the volume describes the cavity in which items are transported.

As an organism'south SA:V increases, the efficiency with which an organism can transport products through its membrane increases. This flows logically, equally there is more expanse available to transport items into a relatively smaller cavity. There are many ways that an organism tin increase its SA:V. The easiest is just beingness smaller overall, equally piffling spherical bacteria are more than efficient at transporting products than a larger spherical eukaryote. If being small is not an option, you lot tin can fold your membrane into ridges that do not affect your overall book but increase your surface area. This effect is in play in the human intestinal tract, with ridges called villi and microvilli providing more surface expanse to uptake digested nutrients than a comparable polish surface.

This experiment aims to examination the effects of variable SA:V on rates of algal photosynthesis. Students will be comparing smashed algae beads to whole algae chaplet to confirm the relationship between SA:V and efficient uptake. Although we are non technically altering the shape of the algal cells themselves, the alginate dewdrop facilitates the transfer of carbon dioxide and carbonate to the encased cells. Altering the SA:5 of the chaplet is linked to the resident algae's resulting productivity within the beads.


  • v-100 vials of ARS Algae Beads in pH indicator  (twenty is about perfect)
  • Make them yourself, or buy them directly from united states:
  • Brand your ain algae beads kit, ( AB-DIY-01000 )
  • Buy our Ready-to-Go Algae Chaplet ( AB-RTG-0030 )
  • A finger to smash the beads
  • A Light source
  • Light meter, (See Experiment 1 for information about Google Science Periodical)
  • Length measuring device
  • Calipers would be bright (why- they are some other tool to teach the students to use)
  • Ruler, metric
  • Whatever container to hold the indicator and chaplet while you mensurate them.
  • Goggles
  • Scale (optional)

Tips and Considerations

  • (optional) If you lot want to get more data, mensurate the mass of each bead. This ways you lot have to have an analytical balance. If you don't have this, you Assume that the beads are all equal in mass (they should be pretty darn close).
  • If the smashed bead tends to fall autonomously, allow the algae bead sit for 10-xv minutes before smushing and they may grade into a amend shape.


  1. Determine how many samples of smashed and unsmashed algae beads you want to test; iii or more is optimal. Remove them from the tube and record their diameter, so return the unsmashed beads.
  2. Smash an equal number of chaplet between your finger and thumb. Mensurate the diameter of each disk you create, and then render the beads to their tubes.
  1. To determine the sphere's surface area, dissever the bore in half to get the radius (r).  So use the formula 4Ï€r 2 .
  2. The formula for the surface surface area of a disk is πr 2 , be sure to multiply this past 2 to account for the lesser and top of the deejay (if it is apartment, you can discount the edge of the disk).
  1. Set a low-cal source and suit the tubes of smashed and unsmashed beads at an equal altitude. At set time intervals (every few minutes) , record the colorimetric pH using the provided scale. Plot the data on the graph paper provided.
  1. You may need to milkshake the smashed chaplet in example they settle on the bottom of the tube.


Hypothesis: Based on the smashed and unsmashed beads' surface area calculations, which do yous remember will be almost photosynthetically efficient? Why?

Variables: Variables: What is our independent (manipulated) variable? Which is our dependent (responding) variable? Which variables are controlled across treatments? Reply below.



Sample #

Surface surface area


pH at T= 0'

pH at

Time =

pH at

Time =

pH at

Time =

pH at

Time =





Sample #



pH at T= 0'

pH at

Fourth dimension =

pH at

Time =

pH at

Time =

pH at

Time =




Beneath graph the pH of each tube over time.


Based on your data, what differences are in that location in the charge per unit of photosynthesis between the two types of chaplet?

Restate your hypothesis. Was your hypothesis correct? Which treatment (smashed or unsmashed) resulted in the highest levels of photosynthesis? Does this suit with the SA:V theory? Why or why not?

CER Rubric

Check your work!

Claim  –

a determination that answers the original question

  • Scientifically accurate
  • Completely answers the question
  • Common inaccurate claim(south) are clearly addressed.

Evidence  – scientific information that supports the merits

  • The data are scientifically appropriate to support the merits.
  • The information are thorough and convincing – enough details and evidence provided.
  • Proper units are used in data.
  • Shows with evidence why alternating claims do not piece of work

Reasoning  –

a justification that links the claim and evidence

  • Reasoning conspicuously links evidence to claim
  • Shows why the data count as evidence by using appropriate scientific principles
  • There are sufficient scientific principles to make links clear between claim and evidence

Temperature and Algal Photosynthesis
(Algae Bead Experiment 4 of five)

Project Summar y: The goal of this experiment is to determine the optimal temperature for effective algal photosynthesis. To do this, y'all will exist exposing algae to various temperatures and recording the charge per unit of photosynthesis resulting from these treatments.

Time Estimates : 45 minutes (depending on time intervals)

Learning Outcomes:

  • I tin can decide the optimal temperature for constructive algal photosynthesis and justify based on the information collected.
  • I can collect and analyze data safely using the appropriate lab materials.

Classroom Prep:  Divide form into lab groups if desired. Run into the materials list for the required components

Videos :

Vocabulary:  kinetics, denature,


        It is fairly evident from our life experience that temperature can be a pregnant factor in a biological response. Consider, for instance, how much harder information technology is to run a mile without warming upwards in a snowstorm vs. doing the same on a warm, pleasant twenty-four hours. These effects are like in single-celled organisms like algae. The scientific discipline behind these effects is called kinetics .

Chemical reactions have an optimal temperature at which they will perform near effectively. This is because most cells' reactions are mediated by enzymes: proteins that lower the amount of energy necessary to complete them. These proteins can lose effectiveness and denature (or unravel themselves) when temperatures get likewise high, or freeze up and stick when the temperature gets too low. If y'all've ever cooked an egg, the reason that the contents of the shell change color and consistency are due to the denaturation of proteins. Fevers in mammals tin be dangerous when they go too high because their enzymes brainstorm malfunctioning and denaturing.

        Most, if not all, photosynthesis steps are mediated by enzymes, which like all others, take an optimal temperature. The goal of this experiment is to determine the optimal temperature for constructive algal photosynthesis. To do this, you volition exist exposing algae to various temperatures and recording photosynthetic responses resulting from these treatments.


  • Goggles
  • 5-100 vials of ARS Algae Chaplet in pH indicator  (20 is most perfect)
  • Make them yourself, or purchase them directly from united states:
  • Brand your own algae beads kit, (AB-DIY-01000)
  • Purchase our Gear up-to-Go Algae Beads (AB-RTG-0030)
  • Temperature control options:
  • Ice Bath (What size bucket will they need? How much water ice/ water?)
  • Refrigerator
  • Heating pads/hot plate with a magnetic stirrer
  • Thermometer
  • IR ones are our favorites.

Tips and Considerations

  • We should supply an equal amount of light to each tube.  The experimental setup will vary based on the light you have, besides equally the heat / cold source.
  • Consider the fact that your calorie-free source will also give off heat at a certain distance. Attempt to identify the light in such a style that it does not meaningfully contribute to the temperature experienced by the tubes.
  • If this is unavoidable, take information technology into business relationship when adjusting the temperature source.
  • The number of different temperatures you use as treatments is dependent on how many temperature control devices yous accept. Chlorella vulgaris has an optimal temperature range of between 25 and 28 degrees Celsius. Include this temperature equally a baseline for growth, and then endeavor to find a temperature below and above this, at the very least. Brand every bit many temperature treatments as you would like; more data is always advantageous.


  1. Gear up a light source in one of the means mentioned in the Tips and Considerations section.
  2. Ready your temperature source. If you have a temperature-controlled system like a combination heater/magnetic stir bar turner, merely 1 will be necessary. If y'all cannot electronically or mechanically control temperature, you lot volition need multiple water baths at unlike temperatures. Monitor these baths with a thermometer and do your best to keep the temperature constant throughout the experiment.
  3. Place the tubes in the water baths/temperature control devices. At set time intervals, record pH with the colorimetric scale. Plot the data on the provided graph newspaper.


Hypothesis: Make a prediction. At what temperature practise you expect photosynthesis to cease completely? At what temperature practice you wait photosynthesis to do the best?

Theoretically, do you think these inhibitory temperatures would be dissimilar if we were to apply dissimilar algae species in our algae beads? Why or why not?

Variables: What is our contained (manipulated) variable? Which is our dependent (responding) variable? Which variables are controlled beyond treatments? Respond below.





Lite Intensity


pH at T= 0'

pH at

Fourth dimension =

pH at

Time =

pH at

Time =

pH at

Fourth dimension =

pH at

Fourth dimension =






Below graph the information for each tube over fourth dimension.


Based on your data, How did each handling bear on photosynthesis?

Restate your hypothesis, was your prediction correct? Based on your data, does temperature bear on photosynthesis? Why or why not?

Extending Questions

Practice yous recall these effects would occur at different temperatures with different species? Why or why not?

Do some research on polar vs tropical microalgae. What are some similarities and differences?

CER Rubric

Check your piece of work!

Claim  –

a determination that answers the original question

  • Scientifically authentic
  • Completely answers the question
  • Common inaccurate claim(s) are conspicuously addressed.

Evidence  – scientific data that supports the merits

  • The data are scientifically advisable to support the claim.
  • The data are thorough and disarming – enough details and evidence provided.
  • Proper units are used in data.
  • Shows with evidence why alternate claims do non piece of work

Reasoning  –

a justification that links the claim and testify

  • Reasoning clearly links evidence to claim
  • Shows why the information count as evidence by using advisable scientific principles
  • There are sufficient scientific principles to make links clear between claim and evidence

Photopigment Extraction and Analysis
(Algae Dewdrop Experiment v of 5)

Project Summar y: The goal of this experiment is to perform a fundamental spectral assay of the photopigments possessed by Chlorella vulgaris , the algae encased within our alginate beads. In a laboratory, this is achieved with a variety of highly complicated and expensive machines. In this experiment, we will exist using chromatography paper or a coffee filter, which executes roughly the same function. We will split the solution of various pigments into the component wavelengths that they absorb, which will serve to break them apart from each other so that we can make educated guesses about which molecules C. vulgaris uses to harvest light.

Fourth dimension Estimates :

Learning Outcomes:

  • I can perform a spectral analysis of the photopigments possessed by Chlorella vulgaris
  • I can determine the photopigments in Chlorella vulgaris and justify based on the data collected.
  • I can collect and analyze data safely using the advisable lab materials.

Classroom Prep:  Separate class into lab groups if desired. Run across the materials list for the required components

Videos :

Vocabulary:  Photopigment, isomerize, spectral analysis


Photopigments  " isomerize ," or alter shape, when a photon of low-cal strikes the structure. The specific structure of each photopigment discriminates the wavelength of light that forces this isomerization. This same concept is in play in our eyes' cones, with three types of photopigments undergoing isomerization to indicate impingement of various wavelengths of low-cal. Mammalian color incomprehension is due to the loss or relative low presence of one or more of these photopigments.

        In algae, varying photopigments' structure amounts to a molecular arms race allowing more efficient harvesting of light in advantageous atmospheric condition. Accept, for example, the structure of divinyl chlorophyll a (DV-chl- a ) versus divinyl chlorophyll b (DV-chl- b ) , shown [ane] . As we can see, the but modify in construction occurs in the summit right corner, with DV-Chl- a  lacking the double-bonded oxygen possessed past DV-Chl b . This simple modify captures blue light better than cherry light and allows the cyanobacterium that possesses DC-Chl b  to alive at deeper depths when crimson light has disappeared through h2o and only blue light remains.

        The goal of this experiment is to perform a fundamental spectral analysis  of the photopigments possessed by Chlorella vulgaris , the algae encased within our alginate beads. In a laboratory, this is achieved with a diversity of highly complicated and expensive machines. In this experiment, we volition be using chromatography newspaper or a coffee filter, which executes roughly the same part. We will dissever the solution of various pigments into the component wavelengths that they absorb, which will serve to suspension them apart from each other so that we can make educated guesses about which molecules C. vulgaris uses to harvest light.


  • ~20 ARS Algae Beads
  • ABCv  from
  • Brand them yourself, from scratch or from a kit:
  • Make your own algae beads kit,  (AB-DIY-01000)
  • Buy our Ready-to-Become Algae Chaplet  (AB-RTG-0030)
  • A finger to smash the beads
  • Pipette
  • Organic solvent  (~30ml)
  • Acetone  (four-parts)
  • Isopropyl alcohol (1-part)
  • Container to excerpt the pigments,  y'all tin can use the snap-cap vials .
  • Chromatography paper or coffee filter paper (2x 10cm)
  • Institute leafage
  • Standard issue found foliage or flower pedal.  You may want to brew it with the back of a spoon to go the cells to open up for extraction.
  • Experiment with flowers (optional; they may have the same pigments but in different concentrations every bit both the leaf and the algae, and flowers are pretty)

Tips and Considerations

  • Caution: Acetone is volatile and harmful when inhaled, among other dangers. Carefully read its Material Condom Data Canvass (MSDS [two] ) before proceeding, and always habiliment appropriate PPE.
  • Try to have the algae and plant pigment excerpt be as dense on the chromatography paper.  It makes for better comparisons.
  • You tin hang the filter paper from the elevation of a jar or cup with a toothpick or pencil letting the tip of the paper touch the solvent.


Pigment extraction :

  1. Pinch to flatten a few algae beads and soak them with acetone/alcohol solution.  Do the same with some green leaves from your yard. The goal is to become the dark colors out of the found material. Yous may want to go out them to soak in the night overnight.


  1. Using java filter paper (or chromatography newspaper), cut several identical strips roughly 2cm by 10cm. Gently, mark a line in pencil ~2cm from 1 of the sides.
  2. Advisedly drip the extracted pigments using the pipette over and over onto the 2cm line. Take your fourth dimension, the smaller and darker the dot, the more resolution you volition go in the chromatography.
  3. At present that the extracted pigments have been "loaded" onto the paper, a solvent will force the pigments apart
  1. All-time option: a chromatography jar that you can dip the paper into, stopping at the "x" (see image below).
  2. Proficient choice: applying the solvent to the "10" dropwise for ~x minutes

Chlorophyll- b  - olive green

Chlorophyll- a  - blue green faint yellowish / orangish

Carotenes - faint orange/yellow

Xanthophylls - yellow

Prototype: (Top) Idealized chromatography paper layout with a greenish pigment spot approximately 2cm from the chromatography paper (coffee filter). The "x" marks the place where you will drop the solvent to drive the pigments autonomously. (Bottom) Idealized photopigment separation afterwards solvent addition.


Hypothesis: Enquiry the photopigment limerick of Chlorella vulgaris . Using that information, make an educated guess virtually what the chromatography paper volition expect like upon separation.


Algae Beads

Line /  Paint

Distance from lesser

Color observed

Probable pigment

Pigment location

2.0cm from lesser

Not applicable

Not applicable

1. Closest to bottom




5. Solvent frontline

Not applicative

Not applicative

Terrestrial plant foliage

Line /  Pigment

Distance from bottom

Color observed

Probable pigment

Pigment location

2.0cm from bottom

Non applicable

Not applicative

one. Closest to bottom




5. Solvent frontline

Not applicable

Not applicable

Sketch your chromatograms, labeling the distance traveled from the origin as well equally your assigned photopigment identity

Calculate the retention factor for each photopigment observed.

(R f  = distance pigment traveled ÷ distance solvent traveled)


Why do some of the photopigments travel further down the newspaper than others?

Were y'all able to successfully identify all the pigments your research suggested would exist present in Chlorella vulgaris ? Were there some that you did not excerpt? Why might this be?

Using the memory factor information from the algae, the terrestrial plant leaf, and a flower petal, are there any similar pigments?  Why practise you think that is?

CER Rubric

Check your work!

Claim  –

a conclusion that answers the original question

  • Scientifically accurate
  • Completely answers the question
  • Common inaccurate merits(south) are clearly addressed.

Evidence  – scientific information that supports the claim

  • The data are scientifically appropriate to support the merits.
  • The information are thorough and convincing – enough details and prove provided.
  • Proper units are used in data.
  • Shows with evidence why alternate claims practise not work

Reasoning  –

a justification that links the merits and show

  • Reasoning clearly links evidence to claim
  • Shows why the information count every bit show past using advisable scientific principles
  • There are sufficient scientific principles to make links clear between claim and bear witness

Folio -

[one] Adaptation of Divinyl Chlorophyll a/b-Containing Cyanobacterium to Unlike Light Weather: Three Strains of Prochlorococcus marinus

Fumiya Hamada, Akio Murakami, and Seiji Akimoto

The Periodical of Physical Chemical science B 2017 121 (39), 9081-9090

DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcb.7b04835

Algae Bead Photosynthesis Lab Answers,


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